AIRL, Inc., Logo
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(423) 476-7766

About AIRL, Inc.

Based in Cleveland, Tennessee, AIRL, Inc. is full-service environmental testing laboratory. Our team of analysts examines and tests all types of nature samples to find chemical compounds or pollutants. Our analysts have the skills to analyze any sample. We use state-of-the-art testing equipment to get our results.

Meet Our Founders

The owners of our laboratory are Roy and Patricia Patterson, who met in high school. After graduating, Roy worked for a wastewater treatment plant in Chattanooga. He worked at the plant while pursuing a degree in chemistry. As he progressed, he and Patricia started managing small plants in areas around the city to earn money for college. It was at this time that Roy started conducting tests on water to find metals. The tests were designed to find all types of metal deposits in water, such as lead, mercury, and iron.

With the success of their testing services, our owners decided to open a one-room testing facility. This was where Patricia learned how to test on her own, which helped their facility thrive. Soon, the pair moved to a large, 40,000-square-foot laboratory to keep up with the service demands. They later downsized to a smaller building (our current laboratory), employing a staff of more than 20 employees.

Certifications & Qualifications

Our professional analysts have been certified to complete a variety of services and tasks. We are also licensed to conduct different testing by several organizations. Our certifications include:

State of Tennessee (ID #02034)
Drinking Water Certification
Underground Storage Tank

PJLA ISO/IEC 17025:2005 (ID_#76332)
Wastewater Accreditation
Groundwater & Surface Water
Solid & Hazardous Waste Soils, Sediments, & Sludges

US Environmental Protection Agency (ID #TNOOO46)
Water Study Performance Evaluations
Water Pollution Performance Evaluations

Mississippi State Department of Health
Drinking Water Certification

Alabama Department of Environmental Management (ID #40780)
Drinking Water
Total Trihalomethanes

Volatile Organic Chemicals
Other Synthetic Organic Chemicals